Saturday, December 26, 2009

The sunny afternoon on a cold day,
The chilly wind makes her sway,
She sways with her thoughts,
And the thoughts sway with the wait,
Waiting for the wind to stop,
And the winter holding the sunshine in a lock,
Locking the warmth forever,
Locking the life of trees as never,
How many winters will it take?
How many trees will be at stake?
She knows, it won’t be many…


neha2go said...

Nice works Ritz...I am glad I found time this morning and strayed onto your blog. I will absorb them later but just wanted to pat your back for these...

Ritu said...

@Niki: thanks dar...! pat recieved!

Circumspect observer trying to be one handed economist said...

She knows, it won’t be many…

And me knows it won't be many :-)

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!