Thursday, April 03, 2008

food for thought...

After a usual day at work, I came back home and did something that I always chose to unwind myself....."read something good" just makes u feel so much yourself a break from everything and everyone around is so much welcome! ain't it!? For today, it was a beautiful coincidence to read something that I have been thinking about since the past few days...expecting your partner to have reading habits...its' been a debatable topic...I would always prefer a person who is fond of reading....not necessarily that the choice of books or "stuff to read" needs to be the exact same as mine....reading in one way or the other just expands the scope of the end of everything...its' about conversing...about something you know...or something you do not enhances you as a person...expands your realm of least I think so...obviously...its' not the only thing I would look in my partner....but yeah it is one of the "important things" for me...I have had experiences in the past where people came out as a complete turn offs just 'coz I couldn't converse with 'em at all! The next stage comes on the choice of books...but thats putting up specification of choices on a real HIGH level!

I came across this article by Rachael Donaldo (She is a writer and editor at the Book Review.) which presented the same idea in a really interesting check it out...!


Anonymous said...

Lovely blog babes...keep up the good job..all the people having read this blog will start introspecting at their own reading habbits and analysing those of their for me...."I am lucky :)"

neha2go said...

Truly good blog babes..Keep up the nice work...all the poeple having read this one will start introspecting their own reading habits and analysing those of their for me [I am lucky ;)]..I didnt have to think long...Cuz i feel I can die reading and yet not have satisfied myself....